When applying for an Operators Licence you must agree to adhere to a number of Undertakings.
Failure to adhere to an Undertaking could result in your operator being called to Public Inquiry to explain themselves to a Traffic Commissioner, who can enforce a number of actions including, Curtailment, Suspension or Revocation of the operator licence! To avoid this scenario you need to comply with all of the undertakings.
One of those undertakings is: 'The rules on drivers’ hours and tachographs are observed, proper records are kept and that these are made available on request'
The most effective way of maintaining compliance with this undertaking is to perform regular analysis of the drivers hours records and we offer a comprehensive range of Tachograph Analysis services reanging from fully automated remote data downloads, to bespoke manual downloads, either method will allow you to review driver and vehicle data in a clear and easy to read format. The analysis software has a wide selection of reports you can receive including key areas such as; Drivers Hours Infringements, Missing Vehicle Mileage, Unknown Driver/Driving without Card.